Jennifer Henderson is now competing in the Adult Amatuer group, after a long successful show career starting with leadline. She has been very successful showing her horses Tazzer+++/ , Whittnee+/ , Fuel Afire, Diamonds Afire++++//, Hottlanta+++/, Afire Me Up, Rebbel Yell, and Double Daare. She has won Regional Championships or Reserves on all these horses, National or Reserve National Championships and National Top Tens on Whittnee +/, Diamonds Afire++++//, Hottlanta+++/ and Tazzer +++/. She has also won National Reserve Championships, and Top Tens with Double Daare at National Show Horse Finals. Jennifer has been showing since she was 2 yrs old in leadline and moved up to Walk/Trot when she was 4. She has been showing ever since. She competes in Hunter Pl., Country English Pl., English Pl., Halter, Sport Horse Under Saddle, Sport Horse in Hand, English Side Saddle, Sport Horse Show Hack, and English Show Hack. Jen also graduated with high honors from University of Louisville with a degree in Equine Business, and works for a veterinarian as a vet assistant. Jennifer was recently awarded her Master Horseman Award and Handler of Honor, from the Arabian Horse Association, for her show ring excellence.