What a great event!! Firelight Arabians performed in front of sold out crowds at the biggest Breyerfest ever! There were more than 8000 tickets sold. The horses were shown to music and a script explaining their discipline, it's history and how it is shown today. They were surrounded by crowds after each performance, and had many pictures taken with people from all over the country. We were proud of our riders and horses, everyone looked so good. We demonstrated 7 different styles of riding. Sierra Midnite and Becca rode Western Side Saddle, Patriot V and Lorie, Hunter Pl., Tazzer was halter with McCartney Swears, Stephanie Henderson, Shatonna was a hunter with McCartney Swears, Tabitha Taylor and Marsha Watts. Diamonds Afire exhibited Country English pl. with Jennifer Henderson, Augustara Bey and Brinley Swears showed the Show Hack, and Xanadus Whimsical was a Native Costume horse with Brooke Borders. Were are proud to be the only Arabians at Breyerfest and were asked to come back next year! See you there!
Diamonds Afire/Jennifer Sierra Midnite/Becca Xanadus Whimsical & Brooke Shatonna & Tabitha Augustara Bey & Brinley


Tazzer & McCartney Augustara/Brinley Patriot/Lorie Diamonds/Jennifer Whimsey & Brooke The whole group!