Firelight Arabians has been a successful training and breeding farm for more than 20 years. It was originally was located in Southern California. Now with it’s new home in Kentucky, we have been developing our new property and are up and running once again. After finding a beautiful 30 acre property in Spencer County, we started with building a 16 stall show barn, which features hot water in wash room and tack room, and a heated tack room with observation window into adjacent foaling stall. The barn has several sky lights as well as each stall having a window so the barns stay light and the horses can see outside. Once settled we added a new barn, which features a 81x204 indoor riding arena and an additional 12 stalls. This barn has a heated bathroom, hot water, wash stall, tack stall, and heated office/observation area. This barn has 51 skylights and windows in every stall as well. There is a roundpen inside of the covered arena as well as an outdoor roundpen. In addition to the barns, we have approximately 15 acres of pasture and turnouts for lay ups and for the horses to enjoy during their time off.

